The modern age literature is endless in subjects, infinite in forms, countless in thems, vast in the topic, limitless in structure, and endless in types. To talk about the literary tendencies and characteristics of the 20th century is like the counting of the twinking stars, a never-ending process. In the modern age, there “has been no dearth of poets and novelists, and dramatists who will stand the test of time and become a part of the immortal literary heritage of England.”
Modern literature and in particular modern poetry were written on almost all the subjects of the universes. The Modern Poet finds inspiration from railway trains, tramcars, telephone, and things of commonplace interest. We find literature on the themes of real life the world of religious mysticism and fairyland. The moods of modern Poets are also diverse. The Modern poets do not belong to a single familiar album.
Variety in the field of poetry:
We find Arther Symons and Oscar Wilde the realist poets, Rudyard Kipling and Wilfred Blunt the pessimist poets, Robert Bridges, and W. B. Yeats, the transitional poets, John Masefield and John Drink Water the Georgian poets. Rupert Brook and Kipling the soldier pets (Poetry of War 1914-1918), W. B. Yeats, T. S. Eliot, and W. H. Auden the symbolist poets and several other groups and the prominent poets in the Modern Age.
Diversity in the field of Prose:
We find the eminent novelist like Dorothy Richardson, Virginia Woolf James Joyce Graham Green, C. P. Snow, George Orwell, Kingsley Amis, George Moore, Samuel Butler, H. G. Wells, Joseph Conrad, J. B. Priestly, Somerset Maugham, Aldous Huxley, E. M. Foster, and the psychological novelist like D. h. Lawrence and several groups and the prominent novelist in Modern Age. The modern age is the age of the novel. We also find the flow of Essay (E. V. Lucas), Biography, Autobiography, Literature of Travel (T. E. Lawrence), Historical Prose (H. A. Fisher), Scientific Literature (H. G. Wells), and Philosophical Literature (Bertrand Russell).
Variety in the field of Drama:
We find the same zest and zeal in the field of drama in the 20th century as we find in the Elizabethan Age. The prominent writers who revived the comedy of manners in the 20th century were G. B. Shaw and Oscar Wilde.
We also find The dramatist of the Abbey Theatre like W. B. Yeats, J. M. Synge, and Sean O'Casey. There are the dramatists of Historical drama like John drink water and Edward Thomason and the dramatist of Poetic Drama like Oscar Wilde, John Mansfield, W. B Yeats, T. S. Eliot Christopher Fry. We do have the dramatist of Expressionistic School and several other groups in the Modern Age.
Humanitarian and Democratic Feeling:
Modern Literature is marked with a note of humanitarianism and democratic feeling. The modern dramatist, novelist, and poets are interested in the life and the daily struggles of the people.
Mansfield, Gibson, Galsworthy are mainly interested in the common man and his sufferings. In their poetry, there Is a note of sympathy. The modem poet is also interested in treating everything sympathetically.
Realism is one of the most noteworthy characteristics of 20th-century literature and in particular the poetry.
The poetry of the 20th century is marked with a note of realism. Realism in modern poetry was a reaction against the pseudo-romanticism of the last century. Realism was there under the influence of science. The modern poet paints life with all its growth and ugliness. Robert Frost, W.W. Gibson, and John Masefield are the poets of realism in modern poetry. The best expression of realism in modem poetry is found among war poets.
Romantic Element in Modern Poetry:
Despite the dominance of realism in modern poetry, the spirit of romance continues to wave the minds of certain poets like W.B. Yeats, John Masefield, and Edward Thomas. Around their work, we can feel that the spirit of romance is as old life itself.
Pessimistic Note in Modern Literature:
There is a note of pessimism, disillusionment, distrust, disappointment, cynicism, and disillusionment in modern literature and in particular in modern poetry.
In modern literature, We find the pettiness of human life and the tragedy and suffering of the oppressed people. T.S.Eliot’s lines in THE HOLLOW Men are marked with a note of pessimism. “We are hollow men”
Modern literature is bubbling with gloominess, despair, misery, desolation, hopelessness, anguish, depression, dejection, and hopelessness of the modern world.
Religion and Mysticism:
The modern age is the age of science but even in this scientific age, we have poems written on the subject of religion and mysticism. Francis Thompson, Robert Graves, G.K. Chesterton, W.B.Yeats, and George Russell are the great poets whose poetry is burning with the flame of religion and mysticism.
Thompson’s ‘Hounds of Heaven’ and ‘In strange Land’ are great poems of religion in modern poetry. In modern literature, we also find the supremacy of God and the feelings of religion.
The Treatment of love and Nature:
Love is the subject of many modern lyrics and novels. Robert Bridges has produced fine sonnets of love in The Growth of love. W.B.Yeats’s when you are old is one of the most noteworthy love poems.
In the poetry of John Masefield, We find a feeling of dejection in love. The beauty of the beloved reminds John Masefield of the decay of physical charms. His mind never seems to forget that.
Death has a lodge in lips as cherry
Death has a mansion in the yew tree berries.
Nature fascinates the modern port like the poets of the romantic age,
Modern poetry is full of beautiful pictures of birds, clouds, landscapes, the sea, and the countryside. Masefield and Robert Bridges are the great poets of Nature in modern poetry.
Psychological treatment in literature:
Some modern poets and novelists are interested in examining the inner working of the subconscious mind.
Some of the poems of T.S.Eliot and Ezra pound are difficult to follow because of their psychological complexity and difficult imagery.
In the same manner, The stream of consciousness novels and the psychological novels of D. H. Lawrence is very difficult to understand because of their psychological treatment.
Longingness in Modern Literature:
Longingness is at the root of modern literature. Modem poets express longingness of all kinds in their poetry. Rupert Brooke’s Old vicarage is a cry of homesickness. John Masefield’s Seekers is the best example of the longing of man for God and the eternal city of light. The longingness is also evident in The Hollow Men and The Waste Land of T. S. Eliot. The modern literature is an echo of the following lines of seekers.
Friend and lovers we have none, nor wealth nor blessed abode.
But the hope of the city of God at the other end of the road.
Not for us are content and quiet, and peace of mind
For we go seeking a city that we shall never find.
The literature of the modern age is shapeless but at the same very clear. It is true “criticism of modern life.” As it is born out of modern life the literature of the modern age is the reflection of modern life. It is realistic in tone.