Q1.Aristotle and Plato belong to the __ phase of criticism. (A) Hellenic

(C) Renaissance (D) Graeco-Roman
Q2. Who was the first literary critic who said that “Art is twice removed from reality”?
(A) Plato
(B) Aristotle
(C) Longinus
(D) Horace

Q3. ‘On Translating Homer’ is written by
(A) Mathew Arnold
(B) Walter Pater
(C) T. S. ELiot (D) William Hazlit

(C) T. S. ELiot (D) William Hazlit
Q4. Who proposed that poets should be banished from the ideal Republic?
(A) Plato
(B) Aristotle
(C) Sir Philip Sidney
(D) Sir Thomas More

Q5. Who considers poetry ‘a mother of lies’
(A) Aristotle
(B) Plato
(C) Pope
(D) Stephen Gosson

Q6. Aristotle’s critical work is entitled:
(A) Ars Poetica
(B) Poetics
(C) De Arte Poetica
(D) Art Poetique

Q7. Who is the author of Ars Poetica?
(A) Plato
(B) Aristotle
(C) Horace
(D) Longinus

Q8. Who is the author of Symposium?
(A) Aristotle
(B) Dante
(C) Longinus
(D) Plato

Q9. To whom “poetry is the spontaneous over-flow of powerful passion.”
(A) Keats
(B) Shelley
(C) Wordsworth
(D) Coleridge

Q10. Horace was a:
(A) Greek Critic
(B) Roman Critic
(C) French Critic
(D) German Critic

Q11. Aristotle discusses the theory of Tragedy in :
(A) Art Poetique
(B) Poetics
(C) Rhetoric
(D) Ars Poetica

Q12. How many principal sources of sublimity are there according to Longinus?
(A) Three
(B) Four
(C) Five
(D) Six

Q13. What is the meaning of the term Hamartia as used by Aristotle in his Theory of Tragedy?
(A) Tragic end of the tragedy
(B) Working of fate against the hero
(C) A weak trait in the character of the hero
(D) A strong quality in the character of the hero

Q14. Dryden wrote An Essay of Dramatic Poesy. Is this?
(A) An Essay
(B) A Drama
(C) A Poetical Work
(D) An Interlocution

Q15. In Dryden’s Essay of Dramatic Poesy there are four interlocuters representing four different ideologies. Which of them expresses Dryden’s own views?
(A) Lisideius
(B) Eugenius
(C) Neander
(D) Crites

Q16. What has Dryden to say about the observance of the three Classical Dramatic Unities?
(A) He advocates their strict observance
(B) He does not advocate their strict observance
(C) He says that every dramatist should decide it for himself
(D) He is silent about this issue

Q17. Is Dryden’s Essay of Dramatic Poesy a work of?
(A) Interpretative Criticism
(B) Legislative Criticism
(C) Comparative Criticism
(D) Textual Criticism

Q18. Who called Dryden the Father of English Criticism?
(A) Joseph Addison
(B) Dr. Johnson
(C) Coleridge
(D) Matthew Arnold

Q19. The term ‘collective unconscious’ is coined by
(A) Carl Jung
(B) Sigmund Freud
(C) Ernest Jones
(D) Erik Erikson

Q20. Poetic Diction was taken to be the standard language for poetry in:
(A) The Elizabethan Age
(B) The Neo-Classical Age
(C) The Romantic Age
(D) The Victorian Age

Q21. “The tragic-comedy which is the product of the English theatre is one the most monstrous inventions that ever entered into a poet’s thought.” Whose view is this?
(A) John Dryden’s
(B) Alexander Pope’s
(C) Joseph Addison’s
(D) Dr. Johnson’s

Q22. “Be Homer’s works your study and delight.
Read them by day and meditate by night.”
Who gives this advice to the poets?
(A) Dryden
(B) Pope
(C) Dr. Johnson
(D) Addison

Q23. Which of the following critics preferred Shakespeare’s Comedies to his Tragedies?
(A) Dryden
(B) Pope
(C) Dr. Johnson
(D) Addison

Q24. ‘Gynocriticism’ is associated with
(A) Elaine Showalter
(B) Ellen Moors
(C) Julia Kristeva
(D) Kate Millet

Q25. Wordsworth’s Preface to the Lyrical Ballads is believed to be the Preamble to Romantic Criticism. In which year was it published?
(A) 1798
(B) 1800
(C) 1801
(D) 1802

Q26. “The end of writing is to instruct, the end of poetry is to instruct by pleasing.” Whose view is this?
(A) Wordsworth’s
(B) Coleridge’s
(C) Dr. Johnson’s
(D) Matthew Arnold’s

Q27. Regarding the observance of the three Classical Unities in a play, Dr. Johnson’s view is that:
(A) Only the Unity of Time should be observed
(B) Only the Unity of Place should be observed
(C) Only the Unity of Action should be observed
(D) All the three Unities should be observed

Q28. Plato equated poetry with painting, and Aristotle equated it with
(A) drama
(B) music
(C) dance
(D) none

Q29. “Poetry is emotions recollected in tranquility.” Who has defined poetry in these words?
(A) Shelley
(B) Wordsworth
(C) Coleridge
(D) Matthew Arnold

Q30. Who is the writer of ‘Hamlet and Oedipus’ (1949)
(A) Carl Jung
(B) Harold Bloom
(C) Ernest Jones
(D) Erik Erikson